Beginning Excel 2019 Open Textbook Library

Delve into printing options, formatting cells, and manipulating data with ease. The course exercise and instructor demo files consist of 2 .ZIP files. Once unzipped, all of the exercise and instructor demo files will reside in individual folders. All screenshots with labels, tables, text boxes, and main text are displayed well.

The student and employee names could have been more diverse. I found the text to be straight-forward and clear, and the instructions were precise and accurate. The reading level is appropriate for high school or post-secondary students. I would suggest covering absolute reference and relative reference together instead of splitting them.

Beginning Excel 2019

The text is not culturally insensitive, however this not the type of text that offers any opinion or views on inclusion. The text is not overloaded with excess material–it presents information in a direct manner, without excess data to confuse the lessons. It can be made culturally more inclusive by tuning the examples.

Microsoft Excel 2019 Lessons

This author is clearly not neglected the basics and no minor detail has been left out. User interface for the reviewed version of this text appears to depend on the user’s computer (Mac or PC), on which version of Excel is available, and on which format is selected for reading the book. This reviewer used the online format rather than the pdf format on a 2008 iMac, for example, because the links to data files worked with the online format but not with the pdf format. Other than that, the user interface for both formats were free of distortions and distractions. This would facilitate using a split screen on which both the text and example exercises could be displayed together.

Microsoft Excel 2019 Training Manual Classroom in a Book

The text is divided into logical sections that are independent. The e-book’s components may be separated and recombined, without presenting much disruption to the reader. I am not aware of any issues with cultural relevance in this text. The text was organized in a logical manner that was easy to follow. The ideal method of any work written for Microsoft Excel 2016 is that it slowly introduces every basic functionality of uses. The text does a nice job of moving through a little quicker to get to the practicality of using the functions.

Very good outline/table of content layout and coverage of basic skills needed. The nature of the topic imposes a high degree of consistency. The clear, detailed format used for skill building accommodates to the inherent consistency of the subject matter in a useful manner that supports strong Microsoft Excel 2019 Lessons self-learning. This text is sufficiently clear by style and detailed content to allow students to master Excel on their own. This is particularly important to students who need to upgrade their Excel skill set in parallel with handling coursework for which Excel is a necessary support.

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Comprehensive coverage of the material is provided, but a glossary/index are not. Material ranges from basic to advanced skills which build throughout the text. In summary, I find this book to be an excellent tool that can be used in either classroom or in a reference setting. When I was trying to decide on which book to review, this book stood out because, at least initially, I noticed the graphics and I noticed a very clear sustained how to format of the chapter sections. It is highly likely that I would use this book in future classes.

  • It begins with the most basic elements of using Microsoft Excel such as how to open the program or even where to find the program in the start menu.
  • The videos that accompany the book are very easy to understand and the technical language is not overdone.
  • Are you ready to be inspired by an industry veteran whose teaching prowess knows no bounds?
  • This reviewer used the online format rather than the pdf format on a 2008 iMac, for example, because the links to data files worked with the online format but not with the pdf format.

I would also suggest covering all the Print topic together instead of splitting into different chapters. Even though your current logic of splitting them makes sense, it makes the “Print” and “Cell reference” topics less easier to be used as independent subunits. The subheadings “Printing” and “Preparing to Print” are not self-explanatory before reading the content. The online version is easy to ready, but the pdf version can be improved .

While the figures shown utilize Excel 2019, the textbook was written to be applicable to other versions of Excel as well. The book introduces new users to the basics of spreadsheets and is appropriate for students in any major who have not used Excel before. This textbook includes instructions for Excel for Mac also.

  • There were a few times that extra explanation would have been helpful.
  • While most will agree that Vista was not a good product, much of the consternation resulted from the drastic differences that existed with the new rollout.
  • In chapter 6, the text gave some check figures that did not tie out with the totals from the data given.

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